In the same fashion that brought Rock Climbing to the masses, by making them mobile, Vertical Reality has now done so with Rope Challenge Courses. Our ropes courses are safer, more durable, and yield a higher throughput. The standard design includes our proprietary-overhead continuous Belay Rack system.
These courses have been designed for volume and safety in mind! The unique track system allows the participant to travel safely at their own pace and also pass others along the way if they happen to move quicker. The lanyard is set up in such a way that if the participant slips, it is only a few inches so that they can gather themselves quickly to easily step back up on the activity and continue. The participant is suspended in the air via a lanyard (safety line), that is attached to a proprietary overhead track system and a harness at all times while maneuvering through different tasks that do not require unclipping between.
Each course comes equipped with up to 16 challenges, 100 elements to choose from to customize your ropes course.Elements are interchangeable so the operator can swap out challenges to change level of difficulty directly on site.
The mobile versions allow for set up at almost any venue.